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I’m Jon, a certified life coach with 20 years experience of working in health and social care. ​I’ve worked in both direct facing roles and managed services including social work teams, ​residential, supported living and employment services. I have a passion to work one to one ​with people to be more independent and achieve their goals.

I started my counselling training (MSc) 20 years ago and continued in this field before pursuing a ​career in social care working with adults with learning disabilities and autism. I’ve always worked ​in a supportive capacity, and always been fascinated by people and the stories that shape their ​lives. I believe we all have the ability to change and grow but overtime it can be easy to lose ​focus and other pressures can get in the way. I was instantly drawn to life coaching with the ​concept to start with the end in mind. This led me to complete my training (Dip) with The ​Coaching Academy and becoming a life coach.

I’ve since experienced myself how life coaching works and the changes you can make to your life. ​It’s helped me and it can help you refocus, and achieve your goals.

unlock your unique potential

Goal Achievement Outline

Coaching: helps you identify and take the steps to achieve your goals. These could be in ​many different areas of your life. Typically, coaching sessions are delivered weekly and I use ​a range of tools and resources to support you achieve your goals. I offer a free intake session ​prior to the support starting to make sure coaching is right for you.

Coaching can help you move from where you are, to where you would like to be. It’s about ​setting and achieving goals in different areas of your life.

The role of a coach is not to tell you what to do. I’m sure you have enough people eager to ​give advice on how you should live your life. Instead, a coach, within a trusting and ​supportive relationship will:

  • Ask insightful questions, listen and show empathy
  • Use techniques and activities to help you identify topics and goals
  • Help you understand your current circumstances
  • Help you identify self-limiting beliefs
  • Look at the options available to you
  • Help you choose the options which will give you the best results
  • Offer support and encouragement throughout the process

Through this work, personal development and growth is possible. You can understand more ​about yourself and start living the life you want to live.

Benefits of Coaching:

Personalised Goal Setting - Coaches can help set realistic and achievable goals based on ​personal strengths and areas for growth.

Skill Development - Developing essential life skills, such as time management, organisation, ​communication, and emotional regulation.

Self-Awareness and Acceptance - Coaching fosters greater self-awareness, helping you ​understand traits and embrace them as strengths rather than obstacles.

Improved Executive Functioning - A coach can provide tools and techniques to enhance ​planning, prioritising and decision-making skills.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being - Coaching offers a supportive environment where you can ​explore emotions, reduce anxiety, and build resilience.

Empowerment and Confidence - Through coaching, you can gain confidence leading to ​greater self-efficacy and empowerment in both personal and professional areas of life.

Better Relationships - Life coaching can improve interpersonal skills, helping you navigate ​social interactions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.

Tailored Strategies for Success - Create customised strategies that work with you.

Supportive Accountability - A life coach provides consistent, non-judgmental support and ​accountability, helping you stay on track and make progress toward goals.

Coaching Testimonials:

Jon guided me to define my path with greater clarity and purpose. His thoughtful approach ​created an environment where I could explore ideas, challenge my own thinking, and ​ultimately, make more informed decisions - NL

I felt challenged in a good way as it made me think about areas of my life I need to ​overcome before achieving my overall goals - SF

I never felt judged, and Jon was always open and curious in his approach. I felt supported ​and empowered to achieve my goals independently - AL

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How does coaching work? - We meet via Zoom and a link is sent before the session. The ​sessions are very goal-focused so we would start by identifying an area of your life which you ​are looking to change and improve. We would then use this to establish an initial goal. ​Coaching works by having the end goal in mind so it’s very outcome and action orientated. I ​seek to develop a trusting and safe place for you to explore this issue, create a deeper ​awareness, explore the options available to you and the actions you will then take.

How do I know if coaching is for me? - We will cover this in the intake call where

we make sure coaching is aligned to what you want to achieve. Generally speaking, if you are ​experiencing trauma, life coaching may not be the right approach. It might be that therapy is ​explored first. Life coaching is very forward thinking, and rather than reflecting on the past, ​life coaching will help you identify goals which will improve and change the areas of your life ​you’ve chosen to focus on.

How do I choose a coach? – It’s important you find someone who feels right to you and is ​aligned to your values and beliefs. This is a big step so shop around. I offer an initial chat ​followed by an intake call so you can decide whether I would be a good fit to support you ​with the changes you are looking to make.

What is the difference between coaching and other support? - Unlike mentoring

or consultancy, life coaching is not about advising or telling you what to do. It’s also

different to counselling or psychotherapy where the focus tends to be on exploring

your past to understand ‘how you got here’. Instead life coaching is focused on your

potential, identifying your strengths and areas of your life you are looking to improve.

Life coaching is about change and action.

When will I see the results? - I can’t promise results. The success of coaching depends on ​your commitment and willingness to change and take action (although the fact you are ​reading this is a positive step). I will support you along the way and provide a range of tools ​and activities, ask insightful questions to guide you as well as encouragement and support ​throughout this process.

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Coaching sessions are £50 for an hour session. This is payable in advance of the session and I ​am flexible in how these are booked depending on your goals and schedule. Some clients ​find starting weekly for the first few sessions works for them and then after a while change to ​fortnightly or monthly.

Payment is made via BACS transfer. I will share more details following the free intake call or ​feel free to call, text or email.


There are many different funding streams you might be entitled to:

Workplace support - Coaching and support is sometimes funded by your workplace as part ​of a reasonable adjustment to fulfil your role. You may be entitled to Access to Work (A2W) ​funding if you have a condition that makes it harder for you to complete your job. Further ​details can be found at https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work

Personal Independence Payments (PIP) - this can help people with a long term physical or ​mental health condition or disability with the additional costs you may face and this could ​be used to fund coaching and support. More details can be found at https://www.gov.uk/pip

Self funding - this is where you would fund the support yourself based on your personal ​income. If you are on a low income then I am happy to discuss a reduced rate based on your ​circumstances.

As part of the intake session or referral we can discuss further what funding stream is right ​for you.

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Start with the end in mind - Stephen R Covey

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Contact me to find out more about life coaching and ​whether it’s right for you.

We can have an initial chat and then arrange a free intake ​call to talk in more depth about what life coaching is, my ​style and approach and the goals you are looking to ​achieve. This tends to last 30-40 minutes and will be ​through a Zoom link. I’m based in the UK but offer a range of ​time slots so I can work in different time zones.

Telephone - 07901368491

Email - contact@jonathan-lee.com


Copyright Jon Lee Plechowicz 2024 - All Rights Reserved